Tuesday, August 05, 2008

Ahoy Me Halsey Hearties!

It was pirate carnival day in the village of Pulham and lucky us were booked to ride the musical seas for the evening at The Halsey Arms! We took to the stage in a state of piratical dress. We had to dispense with the eye patches early on but I kept my cutlass on for the whole gig despite the risk of serious injury. True professionals til the end! (Mind you, we could have done with such a weapon at our gig the night before but that's another story entirely!)We had a wonderful evening. Such a warm response from the audience. And wonderful that several of them turned up with their shaky eggs procured from previous gigs. We played in the function room for the first time - we usually play in the bar - and weren't sure whether it would work as the atmosphere's not quite the same. But, from a band point of view, there was more space and better acoustics, making it easier to play. We needn't have worried! Those people who really wanted the music (and there was a goodly crowd who did) came in and stayed with us all evening. We played our socks off and had a fabulous time. So thanks to Holly for inviting us and a special mention to some special people: Robbo, Kimmo, Chris, Barry, eggrocker Adam and the couple who bought our Caught in the Act CD and said to their mates as they were leaving: 'We still haven't had enough of them - so we're going home to play their CD and dance around the kitchen'! A good gig.
I'm off now to feed the parrot and climb the rigging!
State of Undress